Let’s Talk Cabling Rate Card

Unlock the Power of Targeted Advertising with Let’s Talk Cabling

Welcome to Let’s Talk Cabling, the premier podcast dedicated to the low voltage industry. With a dedicated audience of 14,000 followers and an impressive monthly reach of 70,000 downloads, views, and impressions, we offer unparalleled opportunities to connect with industry professionals and decision-makers.

Whether you’re looking to enhance brand awareness, drive sales, or establish thought leadership, our comprehensive range of advertising options ensures your message resonates with the right audience at the right time.

Explore our tailored packages designed to maximize your visibility and impact, and let us help you achieve your marketing goals with precision and effectiveness.

  • Audience: Professionals (Field/Management/Senior Level Management) in the low voltage industry
  • Followers: 14k
  • Monthly Reach: 70k downloads, views, and impressions


  1. Pre-Roll Advertisements
    • Description: A 15-30 second ad played at the beginning of the podcast episode.
    • Benefits: High visibility as the first thing listeners hear, ideal for brand awareness.
    • Pricing:
      • Single Episode: $150
      • Package of 5 Episodes: $700
      • Package of 10 Episodes: $1,300
  2. Mid-Roll Advertisements
    • Description: A 30-60 second ad played in the middle of the podcast episode.
    • Benefits: Captive audience during the episode, ideal for detailed messages and calls to action.
    • Pricing:
      • Single Episode: $200
      • Package of 5 Episodes: $900
      • Package of 10 Episodes: $1,700
  3. Sponsorship Packages
    • Description: Full episode sponsorship, including a mention at the beginning and end of the episode, plus a mid-roll ad.
    • Benefits: Maximum exposure with multiple touchpoints throughout the episode.
    • Pricing:
      • Single Episode Sponsorship: $400
      • Package of 5 Episodes: $1,800
      • Package of 10 Episodes: $3,500
  4. Social Media Promotions
    • Description: Promotion of your brand/product on Let’s Talk Cabling’s social media channels (Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok).
    • Benefits: Reaches a broader audience beyond podcast listeners, enhances brand presence.
    • Pricing:
      • Single Post: $100 per platform
      • Package of 5 Posts: $450 per platform
      • Package of 10 Posts: $850 per platform
  5. Website Banner Ads
    • Description: Banner ad on the Let’s Talk Cabling website.
    • Benefits: Continuous visibility to website visitors, ideal for long-term brand exposure.
    • Pricing:
      • 1 Month: $300
      • 3 Months: $800
      • 6 Months: $1,500
  6. Newsletter Sponsorship
    • Description: Feature your brand/product in the Let’s Talk Cabling monthly newsletter.
    • Benefits: Direct engagement with our subscribers, high open and click-through rates.
    • Pricing:
      • Single Issue: $200
      • Package of 3 Issues: $550
      • Package of 6 Issues: $1,000
  7. Guest Appearances
    • Podcast Appearances:
      • Description: Appear as a guest on an episode to discuss your brand/product or industry-related topics.
      • Benefits: Direct engagement with our audience, positioning your brand as an industry thought leader.
      • Pricing:
        • Single Episode Appearance: $500
        • Package of 3 Appearances: $1,350
        • Package of 5 Appearances: $2,000
    • In-Person Appearances:
      • Description: In-person appearances at industry events, training sessions, or company meetings to represent and promote your brand.
      • Benefits: Personal engagement with your target audience, enhancing brand credibility and building strong professional relationships.
      • Pricing:
        • Single Event Appearance (up to 8 hours) $1,750 + T&E
        • Package of 3 Appearances: (up to 24 hours) $4.725 + T&E
        • Package of 5 Appearances: (up to 40 hours) $7,875 + T&E

Custom Packages

  • Description: Tailored advertising packages combining different options to suit your specific needs and budget.
  • Pricing: Contact us for a personalized quote.

Contact Information:


  • All prices are in USD.
  • Discounts available for long-term commitments and returning advertisers.
  • Creative assistance available for ad production at an additional cost.

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