Every Technician has their preferences. Some like bags, backpacks, hard cases. Here are the ones that either I have had, or would recommend.
The canvas bag is an oldie but goodie. I still have one I purchased 30 years ago. It now holds my tools to work on the homestead. Knives, saws, and other sharp tools have yet to pierce the side of this durable tool bag
These small canvas bags are perfect for organizing your smaller tools in your tool box or canvas bag. Things like sockets, screwdrivers and other items that you will want quick and easy access to and these small bags are perfect for that.
This is part of a large system but not everyone can buy the whole system at once. It made for industrial use, it is IP65 rated to protect against weather. There is an interior organizer tray. The dimensions are 22.1″ x 11.3″ x 16.1″
This kit comes with a dolly for when you park your truck or van a longways from the job site
This backpack features a separate compartment to fit a laptop up to 3-Inch thick. A hard, molded front pocket protects safety glasses. It is tough, durable molded bottom protects from the elements. Has separate compartment to holds laptops up to 3-Inch thick. Durable 1680D ballistic weave construction. Tough molded front pockets and bottom ensures safety. Organizer pocket for pens, phone, cables and more
Some Technicians like to use backpacks. This is a maxpedition backpack. I have had mine since 2011 and it is barely broken in. Keep in mind I travel 30 to 40 weeks a year via airlines and its is still going. I added some extra compartments (see below) and it doubles as my camera bag.
I have two of these, one on each side of my backpack. They provide extra storage (perfect for lenses) but also small tools like screw drivers, sockets etc.